Saturday, 18 May 2019

A thread-safe global random number generator using C++ <random> and <mutex>

In a previous post, Sandro showed how to use the C++ <random> header to define a global random number generator (RNG). If at some point the user decides to parallelize their program, they would have to make the global RNG thread-safe. This requires only a small modification.

I have copied Sandro's code and added thread-safety using the C++ (with standard at least c++11) headers <thread> and <mutex>. In the header file thread_safe_random.hpp, the functions RANDOM and Seed are declared.

The C++ file thread_safe_random.cpp defines the functions RANDOM and Seed, and the RNG and uniform distribution as before. Additionally, a mutex my_rng_mutex is defined to guard my_rng. I am using a lock_guard to lock and release the mutex. When one thread of execution calls the function RANDOM, it acquires the mutex. Any other thread that calls RANDOM, has to wait until the mutex is released.

In order to demonstrate thread_safe_random, I created max threads in the main function that use the auxiliary function fetch_random_number to call RANDOM.

The result should look like
$ g++ --std=c++11 -pthread main.cpp thread_safe_random.cpp -o test_safe_random
$ ./test_safe_random
However, the order of these numbers can change each time you execute the program. This means that the program is no longer deterministic (although we can argue about what it means to be deterministic or not), because the OS determines the order in which the threads call RANDOM. Another problem with this implementation is that it will be slow when each thread needs many random numbers.

Friday, 17 May 2019

Copying polymorphic C++ objects using an inherited dup() method

In order to copy polymorphic objects in C++, it can be convenient to equip the base and derived classes with a .dup() method (or .clone() method) that returns a pointer to a copy of the (derived) object. When you have a large amount of different derived classes, overriding the base class's .dup() method for each of them can be a bit of a nuisance. In order to solve this, I sometimes use an "intermediate" class template that can be inherited instead of the base class to provide the .dup() method. This solution is not perfect, because it does not provide the possibility of covariant return types.

The class template Cloneable is defined as follows:

In the following code snippet, the use of the Cloneable is demonstrated:
If someone has a better way to do this, let me know.