I do a lot of individual-based simulations, and often I want to calculate some population statistics 'on the fly'. I found that it can be helpful to use C/C++'s basic functional capabilities.
A higher-order function is a function that takes other functions as arguments (or returns a function as a result). In C/C++, functions can be passed to other functions, but the notation can be a bit awkward, as one needs to pass a reference to a function. If the function is a method of some class, then the notation gets even more involved. You can make your life easier by using a typedef.
The following code snippet shows the header file of a simple example. The goal is to calculate some statistics on a population of "Critters". These Critters have multiple "traits", and the traits are accessed by methods of the class Critter of signature "double Critter::trait() const". Suppose that we want to calculate the mean of the trait "happiness". It's trivial to write a function that does this, but then we might also get interested in the average "wealth". The function that calculates the average wealth is identical to the function that calculates average happiness, except that happiness is replaced by wealth. We can get rid of this redundancy by defining the typedef Trait as a method of Critter, and writing a function that takes the average of an arbitrary Trait.
Let us now look at the source file. The most important things to notice are...
(1) whenever you pass a member "trait" (e.g. wealth) of Critter to a function, you should pass it as "&Critter::trait" (i.e. pass the reference).
(2) when you want to evaluate Trait x of Critter alice, you'll need to de-reference x, and call the resulting function: "(alice.*x)()"
If you want to play with this example, put the header in a file called "main.hpp", and the source in a file called "main.cpp", and compile main.cpp by typing "g++ main.cpp -o critters" in your terminal (I assume that you are using Linux and have the gcc compiler installed).
A higher-order function is a function that takes other functions as arguments (or returns a function as a result). In C/C++, functions can be passed to other functions, but the notation can be a bit awkward, as one needs to pass a reference to a function. If the function is a method of some class, then the notation gets even more involved. You can make your life easier by using a typedef.
The following code snippet shows the header file of a simple example. The goal is to calculate some statistics on a population of "Critters". These Critters have multiple "traits", and the traits are accessed by methods of the class Critter of signature "double Critter::trait() const". Suppose that we want to calculate the mean of the trait "happiness". It's trivial to write a function that does this, but then we might also get interested in the average "wealth". The function that calculates the average wealth is identical to the function that calculates average happiness, except that happiness is replaced by wealth. We can get rid of this redundancy by defining the typedef Trait as a method of Critter, and writing a function that takes the average of an arbitrary Trait.
Let us now look at the source file. The most important things to notice are...
(1) whenever you pass a member "trait" (e.g. wealth) of Critter to a function, you should pass it as "&Critter::trait" (i.e. pass the reference).
(2) when you want to evaluate Trait x of Critter alice, you'll need to de-reference x, and call the resulting function: "(alice.*x)()"
If you want to play with this example, put the header in a file called "main.hpp", and the source in a file called "main.cpp", and compile main.cpp by typing "g++ main.cpp -o critters" in your terminal (I assume that you are using Linux and have the gcc compiler installed).
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